Does Your Child Speaks English Means He Mastered English?
Nowadays, plenty of parents think that their child has master the English language because of how well their children can speak English.
Does Your Child Speaks English Means He Mastered English?

Nowadays, plenty of parents think that their child has master the English language because of how well their children can speak English. Most of the children these days learnt English speaking skills by watching cartoons, movies and sometimes by their environment and surroundings.
But, even though they can speak English well, having the basic skills such as reading, listening, and writing English is not mastered properly, and why does this happen? Well, this is because speaking is an “output process” while reading and listening is an input process. These are a few weaknesses that a child has if they don’t’ master and learn the basic elements of the English language.
One of the main reasons why parents come to KLC and state the issue of their children, most of their issue is similar to this. They are certain that their child is good in speaking but reading, writing and listening is totally the opposite. Did you know that reading is the most basic element to learn and to master the English language? Reading is an input process skill that if learned, your child will gain a huge amount of knowledge while evolving their thoughts and mindset.

It is also not a problem if your child learns English from the most beginning, this way the child can learn the basics and understand the elements of the language. By this way , they can hone their skills with perfection and completion. Many of the parents that comes to KLC with their children is as young as 4 years old. They feel that it is very important to expose to learn the basics of English for their children during this age. The reason for this is because during this age, their brains are like sponges that easily absorb everything that is taught to them and also during this phase of their age, they are not exposed to situations or matters that will affect their focus.
One of our main goal at KLC is to give the parents that send their children here is to reduce the time that the children is spent on playing with gadgets or if possible to prevent them from using it. It is better to start of early then later when its too far to regret when a child starts focusing and obsessing on gadgets and losing their focus to learn, it is better to guide them now then later when it is too late.
At KLC, a master key is created specially to guide the kids to help them read and write. Even though the child has never join or entered any pre-school before they join KLC, you don’t have to worry because our Master Key will teach and provide the children from the most basics which is learning to know every pronounce and phonics for every word there is.